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Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I am writing to you this month regarding an important event taking place on January 26, 2025. On that Sunday after our morning service, we will be having lunch followed by our annual congregational meeting. This will be a time of celebrating what God has been doing among us and where he is leading us in the new year. Our discussion will include plans for upcoming ministry, an overview of our church finances, and the selection of council members. As we move forward into this new year, I want to take a moment to highlight a few essentials relating to the role and selection of our church council.

The Role of Council Members

The church council shares with the pastor the stewardship of the financial assets and property of the local church. This group of individuals meets at least once per month to conduct business and provide an important level of accountability over the finances of the church.  Members are selected for two-year terms of service, and they can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Half of the council is selected each year so that seats come open on a rotating schedule.

The Selection of Council Members

            The first step in the selection process involves the nomination of candidates. This task is the responsibility of current church council. It is a process covered in much prayer as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and consider the principles laid out in passages like 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6. Next, the names of the candidates will be submitted to the church for ratification. The names of the candidates will be posted at least two weeks prior to the congregational meeting. In the ratification process, the number of candidates will be equal to the number of open seats on the council. This year there are two open seats; thus only 2 names will be submitted for approval.  The following is a sample of the ballot:

Sample Ballot

The church members will then vote “yes” or “no” on the council members as a group. In the event that a majority of the church votes “no”, the nomination process will begin again, and a new list of candidates will be submitted to the congregation. If a majority of the church members vote “yes”, then those on the ballot will serve as members of the church council. The goal of the ratification process is to facilitate a smooth and healthy transition between council members each year. It is our desire to serve you well, and follow the leading of our Lord as he guides us, his body, into all the plans he has for us. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the role or selection of council members, and I am looking forward to sharing with you at our meeting in January.

May God bless you and keep you as walk with him in this new year!

- Pastor Brandon